#This is the resource bundle for the sap.ui.table library # #XMIT: Menuitem to filter TBL_FILTER=Filter #XMIT: Menuitem to e.g. open a filter dialog TBL_FILTER_ITEM=Filter... #XMIT: Menuitem to sort descending TBL_SORT_ASC=Sort Ascending #XMIT: Menuitem to sort descending TBL_SORT_DESC=Sort Descending #XMIT: Menuitem to group the column by its values TBL_GROUP=Group #XMIT: Menuitem to ungroup the column TBL_UNGROUP=Ungroup #XMIT: Menuitem to ungroup all columns TBL_UNGROUP_ALL=Ungroup All #XMIT: Menuitem to show the column visibility menu TBL_COLUMNS=Columns #XMIT: Menuitem to freeze the columns till the current one TBL_FREEZE=Freeze #XMIT: Menuitem to unfreeze the columns TBL_UNFREEZE=Unfreeze #XMIT: Menuitem to move a group up one level TBL_MOVE_UP=Move Up #XMIT: Menuitem to move a group down one level TBL_MOVE_DOWN=Move Down #XMIT: Menuitem to expand all groups in a specific level TBL_EXPAND_LEVEL=Expand Level #XMIT: Menuitem to collapse all groups in a specific level TBL_COLLAPSE_LEVEL=Collapse Level #XMIT: Menuitem to expand all groups TBL_EXPAND_ALL=Expand All #XMIT: Menuitem to collapse all open groups TBL_COLLAPSE_ALL=Collapse All #XMIT: Menuitem to set grouped column visible TBL_SHOW_COLUMN=Show #XMIT: Menuitem to hide grouped column TBL_HIDE_COLUMN=Hide #XMIT: Menuitem in column visibility menu to set column visible TBL_COL_VISBILITY_MENUITEM_SHOW=Show Column #XMIT: Menuitem in column visibility menu to hide column TBL_COL_VISBILITY_MENUITEM_HIDE=Hide Column #XTOL: tooltip for row selection TBL_ROW_SELECT=Click to Select #XTOL: tooltip for row deselection TBL_ROW_DESELECT=Click to Deselect #XTOL: tooltip for row selection in multi toggle selection mode TBL_ROW_SELECT_MULTI_TOGGLE=Click to select or press SHIFT and click to select a range #XACT: accessibilty description for a table with enabled mutli-selection for rows (for the ScreenReader) TBL_TABLE_SELECTION_MULTI=Multi-Selection Table #XACT: accessibilty description for a table with enabled single-selection for rows (for the ScreenReader) TBL_TABLE_SELECTION_SINGLE=Single-Selection Table #XACT: accessibilty description for an invalid table (for the ScreenReader) TBL_TABLE_INVALID=Invalid Table #XACT: accessibilty description for count of rows and columns TBL_DATA_ROWS_COLS=Table contains {0} rows and {1} columns #XACT: accessibilty description for row selection via keyboard TBL_ROW_SELECT_KEY=To select row, press SPACEBAR #XACT: accessibilty description for row deselection via keyboard TBL_ROW_DESELECT_KEY=To deselect row, press SPACEBAR #XMSG: Table content text when all table columns are hidden TBL_NO_COLUMNS=Right now, there are no visible columns in the table. Please select the columns you need in the table settings. #XMSG: Table content text when no controls are rendered TBL_NO_DATA=No data #XTOL: Tooltip for the select all row header TBL_SELECT_ALL=Select All #XTOL: Tooltip for the select all row header TBL_DESELECT_ALL=Deselect All #XACT: accessibilty description for toggling the edit mode on a cell via keyboard TBL_TOGGLE_EDIT_KEY=To enter a table cell, press F2 #XTOL: Expand a tree table node TBL_EXPAND=Expand Node #XTOL: Collapse a tree table node TBL_COLLAPSE=Collapse Node #XTOL: Tree Leaf Node TBL_LEAF=Node #XMIT: Menuitem to sum TBL_TOTAL=Total #XACT: accessability description for total summary row. This is a row that displays, for example, the sum, min, max or average values of the entire data. TBL_GRAND_TOTAL_ROW=Total summary #XACT: accessability description for group summary row. This is a row that displays, for example, the sum, min, max or average values of a group. TBL_GROUP_TOTAL_ROW=Group Summary #XACT: accessibilty description fixed columns TBL_FIXED_COLUMN=Fixed Column #XACT: accessibility description for focused row count TBL_ROW_ROWCOUNT=Row {0} of {1} #XACT: accessibility description for focused column count TBL_COL_COLCOUNT=Column {0} of {1} #XACT: accessibility label for a row header cell TBL_ROW_HEADER_LABEL=Row Header #XACT: accessibility label for a column row header cell (cell on the top left of the table) TBL_ROW_COL_HEADER_LABEL=Column Row Header #XACT: accessibility label for a grouping row TBL_ROW_GROUP_LABEL=Group Row #XACT: accessibility description for a selected row TBL_ROW_DESC_SELECTED=Row Selected #XACT: accessibility description for a column when menu is available TBL_COL_DESC_MENU=Menu Available #XACT: accessibility description for a filtered column TBL_COL_DESC_FILTERED=Filtered #XACT: accessibility description for a sorted column TBL_COL_DESC_SORTED_ASC=Sorted Ascending #XACT: accessibility description for a sorted column TBL_COL_DESC_SORTED_DES=Sorted Descending #XACT: accessibility description of how many columns are spanned by a column header TBL_COL_DESC_SPAN=Spans {0} columns #XACT: state which should be announced by screenreaders if the element in a table cell is disabled TBL_CTRL_STATE_DISABLED=Disabled #XACT: state which should be announced by screenreaders if the element in a table cell is readonly TBL_CTRL_STATE_READONLY=Read Only #XTIT: Title of the Row Action Column TBL_ROW_ACTION_COLUMN_LABEL=Row Actions #XACT: Screenreader should announce when no actions are available TBL_ROW_ACTION_NO_ACTION=No actions available #XACT: Screenreader should announce when a action is available TBL_ROW_ACTION_SINGLE_ACTION=1 action available #XACT: Screenreader should announce when several actions are available TBL_ROW_ACTION_MULTIPLE_ACTION={0} actions available #XTOL: Tooltip for Navigation Action Icon in Table Row TBL_ROW_ACTION_NAVIGATE=Details #XTOL: Tooltip for Delete Action Icon in Table Row TBL_ROW_ACTION_DELETE=Delete #XTOL: Tooltip for More Actions Icon in Table Row TBL_ROW_ACTION_MORE=More #XACT: ARIA announcement for the information state of the table row TBL_ROW_STATE_INFORMATION=Information #XACT: ARIA announcement for the error state of the table row TBL_ROW_STATE_ERROR=Error #XACT: ARIA announcement for the warning state of the table row TBL_ROW_STATE_WARNING=Warning #XACT: ARIA announcement for the success state of the table row TBL_ROW_STATE_SUCCESS=Success #XACT ARIA announcement for the navigated state of the table row TBL_ROW_STATE_NAVIGATED=Navigated #XACT: accessibilty description for expanding the table row via keyboard TBL_ROW_EXPAND_KEY=To expand a row, press the spacebar #XACT: accessibilty description for collapsing the table row via keyboard TBL_ROW_COLLAPSE_KEY=To collapse a row, press the spacebar #XBUT: Text of the apply button to save the data entered in the "creation row", a form in the table for creating new rows. TBL_CREATIONROW_APPLY=Add Row #XACT: Accessibilty label for the table creation row TBL_CREATEROW_LABEL=Create new table entry #XTIT: Title of the message popover on the last selected item, when the selection was limited TBL_SELECT_LIMIT_TITLE=Selection Limit #XMSG: Message popover on the last selected item, when the selection was limited TBL_SELECT_LIMIT=In this table, you cannot add more than {0} items to your selection at a time.\n\nYou can continue to add to your selection as often as you like, but only {0} items can be selected at a time.